Student Name
First Name
Last Name
School Attended and Grade Level
Student Cell (if they have one)
Student Email
Parent/Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
Home Phone
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone
Parent/Guardian Email
Home Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Will you accept any role offered to you?
If NO, please explain why not below
If not cast, will you be interested in being on the TECH CREW (if we have one)?
Please check boxes(s) that may interest you on the BACKSTAGE CREW:
Stage Crew
How did you find out about these auditions?
select one:
print ad
from a friend
Please list any known Allergies or Medical Issues we should be aware of, or mark none:
Schedule Conflicts
Please BE HONEST and list ALL conflicts, such as any vacations, trips, work schedule, or school activities using the back of this sheet if necessary. We can work around some conflicts (within reason) if we know now. If you leave any off now and wait until after you are cast to tell me, your part may be re-cast AND you seriously jeopardize your chances of being cast in the future!!
Please list your favorite roles you’ve performed at Riverside Theatre:
Please list your favorite roles you’ve performed at other places:
Please list any other special talents or skills that may be useful in the show:
Please list any experience in dance classes, specifying what style(s) of dance and how long:
Please list any relevant experience with gymnastics, cheerleading, or tumbling:
Please fill out a Biography for the program. If you are cast in this show, this will serve as your bio for the program. Please write CLEARLY, putting in relevant info such as favorite shows, future college/career hopes, favorite shows at Riverside, special thanks, etc. Showing some personality and fun is good, but please do not get too silly with inside jokes, etc. We reserve the right to edit your bio for length and content (or not include one at all!) Please keep it to 50 words or less. IF YOU WERE IN A CURRENT SHOW AND WOULD LIKE TO USE THAT ONE, PLEASE TELL US WHICH ONE IN THE SPACE BELOW.
Riverside Theatre for Kids - Parental Authorization
I hereby waive and release any and all claims for damages, injuries, or death that may be suffered before during or after activities with Riverside Theatre. I will further hold harmless Riverside Theatre. I hereby authorize any physician, trainer, or nurse selected by Riverside Theatre personnel to order and contact any emergency medical or surgical procedures necessary to save life and limb. I understand and give permission for my child to be filmed and photographer for print and Internet publication and archives. I acknowledge that my child will abide by Riverside Theatre rules and regulations.
Parent/Guardian agrees to this policy
Email Student Photo For Program To: