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3250 Riverside Park Drive
Vero Beach, FL 32963
United States

(772) 231-6990

Riverside Theatre in Vero Beach, FL is a regionally producing theatre affiliated with Actor's Equity Association, The League of Resident Theatres, Stage Directors and Choreographers Society, and United Scenic Artists. Riverside Children's Theatre, the educational arm of Riverside, offers classes, camps, and training opportunities in the areas of theatre, dance, music, and video for all ages on a year round basis.

Youth Theatre & Music Classes

Youth Programs

Riverside Theatre offers high-quality performing arts instruction to students of all skill levels, providing professional training in theatre and music. Classes are available throughout the school year for students aged five and up, with summer camps, and workshops engaging students aged six to 18.


Classes Offered


A free after-school residency program where our professional staff works with students at local schools and youth groups to rehearse a show on-site for six to eight weeks. The students are then brought to Riverside Theatre for a final tech rehearsal, and one performance on the Stark Stage.

These 30-minute shows are performed with no sets, costumes, or props. This is an ideal entry point for new performers.

Student Tour Productions:  These 60-minute shows are performed using minimal sets, costumes, and props to help tell the story. This type of show prepares students to use their storytelling skills in a fuller theatrical experience, while also giving the show flexibility to be shared with local schools and community events.

Junior Theatre Festival (JTF)

The Junior Theater Festival is a celebrated event for young musical theater performers. Since 2009, Riverside Theatre students have attended, earning awards and recognition. Recently, Riverside partnered with the Gifford Youth Achievement Center (GYAC) to bring a group of their students to perform their own show with no cost to the GYAC participants.

"MTI Junior" 60-minute shows with no sets, costumes, or props keeping aligned with the strictures of the festival. This puts the emphasis on the student's performance and storytelling skills while still performing a complete show.

Student Series Shows

Open by audition to anyone aged six to 18, whether they have been in Riverside’s Education Programs, or not. For students in the casts, the process is designed to include technique training while they hone their storytelling skills and push their vocal abilities to new heights.

These are full productions with scenery, costumes, props, sound, and lighting. This gives students the experience of working on full-scale shows designed and implemented by theatre professionals on a regional theatre stage, providing them with a professional experience rare for their age groups.  


Our Instructors

Whether your interest is in Singing, Acting, Dancing, Directing, or even Technical, our instructors provide a performing arts curriculum designed to educate and spark creativity in all the students enrolled. LEARN MORE

Tuition Assistance

Through generous support, Riverside Theatre gives every child the chance to participate regardless of financial need. No child is ever turned away. LEARN MORE

Questions? Email your questions to our Director of Theatre Education at